About Us
We have the strength and knowledge to create change for future generations.
Hansen Park Pre-School Philosophy:
At Hansen Park Preschool implements a play based emergent curriculum using a strength based approach which responds to children's interests, ideas and individual needs.
Our approach to early childhood leaning and development is reflected in the Early Years Learning and Development Framework's visions: To provide children with a sense of belonging, recognise and celebrate their being and support their becoming.
The children's best interests are at the forefront of our philosophy.
Our kindergarten aims to develop meaningful experiences enabling the child to learn as they explore their own interests.
We value the importance of play as it enhances all areas of a child's development.
“Play is the work of young children”
It is the foundation of academic learning. It is the preparation young children require before formal education (reading, writing, mathematics) can be achieved.
At Hansen Park Pre School we know that children’s earliest educational experiences occur within the family home and that their parents are their first teachers. We feel that for young children to have the greatest opportunity to reach their full potential, parent participation must play an important role in the kinder program. Thus parents are encouraged to become active participants with us in their child’s education at Kindergarten.
We are looking forward to an exciting and rewarding year with you and your child.