Teaching Staff

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4 year old Educator:

Debra is passionate about providing children with a caring and understanding environment in which they discover, interact and develop. She will prepare your child for their foundation (prep) year at school and years beyond, with a loving hand that guides and supports them, ready for their next big step.

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3 year old Educator:

Bri is crazy, noisy, and messy just like the children, and they love her for it. She will let them do all the things you won't at home: paint, goo, glitter, water, and getting dirty. Get ready for some serious fun and a busy experience. 

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4 year old Co-Educator:

It is evident that Leonie loves her job and adores the children. She is kind and caring and brings a creative flair to the classroom, helping the children build on their imagination and explore the things they love. 

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3 year old Co-Educator and Teaching Assistant:

Marg is a caring and intuitive assistant that the children, staff, and families simply can not live without. She brings a quiet and calm warmth to the room and loves to create wonderful masterpieces with the children.